We got your name and address as a USED CLOTHES in your country which we believe you will be of a great help to our urgent
Permit us to introduce to you AGENT KING AND SONS LTD as a sourcing agent to (NDDC) Niger Delta Development Commission
this organization who constantly buys different goods depending on the project they have in hand at any particular given
The above organization has mandated us to source for a foreign company who can be able to handle a contract supply of 800,000 used clothes to the (NDDC) Niger Delta Development Commission here in Nigeria
They are making a 100% T/T advance payment for production and they are giving a period of 9 months from the date of full
payment confirmation to complete the whole delivery and they allow partial shipment.
If you know that you can be able to handle the said contract supply within their given time then inform me so that I will
forward to you all the whole details on how to participate on this contract bidding.
Thanks and best regards.
Mr AGENT KING (Manager)