Will you stand in position to handle the supply? If yes confirm by return and send your packing list as well as available items brand with your quotation for our study to enable us present to you our detail main order quantity for your confirmation. State your usual trade terms with payment condition too.
Kindly let your quotation based on c.i.f. Lome seaport as our final port of discharge. Confirm your acceptability of allowing us to become your sole exclusive agent thus subject to securing orders on your behalf will be highly appreciated.
Conclusively, we hope our inquire has hit at the appropriate quarter that might consume a positive result between both firm in the near future. Thanks for your million cooperation.
While we remain,
Yours Faithfully,
Enudania Company Sarl
26 Rue d'eglise Lome Togo
Afrique d'Louest.
Attn. Mr. Dyke N. mgr.
Tel+228 90****58.