We are Ets Gen Trading Company based in Lome Togo West Africa.
Have been in the field of importation of Clothings and TextilesOur main business
dealings over the years have been from Worldwide markets.
With our years of experience, we believe that our approach to
establish a business relationship with your company will be an
Impressive move that will expand the both firm as well as improve our
company ability to meet the demands of our customers over the West
Africa regions.
Tropical Mix
Used Clothing in 100-500Kg
Used Bags in 50-100Kg
Used Belts in 50-100Kg
Used Shoes unsorted in 25-30Kg
AfricaMix - SummerMix - TropicalMix
Kindly forward the above prices in FOB for our study and we are
looking forward to read from you as soon as possible via our company
email below.
With Best Regards,
Mr. Emmanuel Erem Nwankwo
Director General
Ets Gen Trading Company
Email: enwankwo2000@gmail.com
Tel: +228 900 323 12 & +234 80 389 258 59
Lome Togo