Preview of Trend of Used-clothes Industry in 2014

time: 2014-06-15    aother:     hits: 1107

Abstract: The past year,2013 was a busy year and will still struggle with you shoulder to shoulder and create more value for you. 

  The past year, 2013, was a busy year and will still struggle with you shoulder to shoulder and create more value for you in 2014.

  At home, the changes of the industry taking place in 2013 were quite great. The participants of this industry flooded into the market. The number was quadrupled. At present, the number of registered users of our website is about 5800 which is sizable. We hope all of you can find your own way in this industry and gain what you deserve. From the point of price, the general price of used clothes rose by 28%. In them, the price of the raw material rose by 31% which was the highest. This number obviously burdened the suppliers working on this industry to some extent.

  Abroad, the regions in Rwanda in Africa have already import some used clothes from China. In their words, in the past, the price of the used clothes in China keeps rising and it’s almost close to the price of used clothes they import from Europe and America. In fact, the products from China is not that popular in foreign countries. The clothes are of Chinese style while they want more polo shirts of composite and capri-pants of large size. According to the information collected by, in the whole Africa, used clothes imported from China is less than 1%. This number burdens the suppliers again.

  In the future, we suppose this industry will expand further. What we need to do is to know the product demands of our target clients and to enhance the market competitiveness through products. We’ll also help you to gain more real-time information of African markets and help you to develop your own supply chain.  

  Key words
: used-clothes export; used-clothes trade; used-clothes market

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